Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Air and Water Pollution: The Gulf Oil Spill Essay

On April 20, 2010, BP’s oil rig Deepwater Horizon blew up in the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 people and unleashing more than 200 million gallons of oil into the water (Sakashita, N.D.). The spill oiled more than 1,000 miles of shoreline and a study from the Center for Biological Diversity shows that more than 82,000 birds; about 6,000 sea turtles; nearly 26,000 marine mammals, including dolphins; and an unknown, massive number of fish and invertebrates may have been harmed by the spill and its aftermath (Sakashita, N.D.). The spill of oil lasted for three months and in that time, did massive amounts of damage. After Deepwater Horizon blew up, pollutants were introduced into the air and water. The air pollutants consisted of smoke and hydrocarbon fumes while the water pollutants consisted of the oil that spilled out of the rig and the dead animals that littered the Gulf after the spill. Both the smoke and the hydrocarbon fumes are primary pollutants meaning that they are pollutants that are emitted into the air directly from a source (Berg & Hager, 2009). No matter the type of pollutant, primary or secondary, there is still an effect on the environment. The effects of the Gulf oil spill were numerous; many different animal species died as well as coral. The deaths of these animals could be considered as both short- and long-term effects on the environment. In the short-term, water pollutants could cause a population to decrease dramatically and possibly become threatened. In the long-term, water pollutants could cause species to become extinct due to the bottlenecking that would occur to try to repopulate the species. Bottlenecking is â€Å"An abrupt and severe reduction in the number of individuals during the history of a species, resulting in the loss of diversity from the gene pool† (Bottleneck, 2012). The generations following the bottleneck are more genetically similar than expected. Bottlenecks often occur in consequence of a catastrophic event (Bottleneck, 2012). The air pollutants can cause both short- and long-term effects as well. According to the Center for Disease Control, the short-term effects of the air pollutants include upset stomach, headache, and irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat in people sensitive to smells (Gulf Oil Spill 2010: Food/Air Quality/Water Information for Coastal Residents, n.d.). References Bottleneck. (2012). Retrieved from The Free Dictionary: Berg, L., & Hager, M. (2009). Visualizing Environmental Science (2nd Edition). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Gulf Oil Spill 2010: Food/Air Quality/Water Information for Coastal Residents. (n.d.). Retrieved from Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Sakashita, M. (N.D.). Gulf Disaster. Retrieved from Center for Biological Diversity:

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Two factors which affected the Stuart economy of 1600-1660

The Stuart economy is always difficult to analyse. Unfortunately due to incomplete records we only have a rough idea of the economic growth that England underwent during this era. For example we do not have fully accurate records that state the exact population size at the time. We also therefore do not have accurate records on the economy either but from parish records and events during this period it is still possible to make informed conclusions on what the economy was like, and the factors that stimulated it. The first thing that is important to study when discussing the economy is the population size. According to records found in parishes at the time population was generally on the increase and rose from 4 to 5 million between 1600 and 1660. However although the population did rise considerably it was certainly not a steady increase and went through phases of decline as well as increase. Surprisingly, according to information now available, some year's burial rates were actually higher than baptism rates, suggesting a population decline. However due to the fact that these records are sometimes incomplete it is not possible to give completely accurate figures about the changes in population during this era. Some historians argue that these changes in population growth point to the fact that the Stuart economy was vastly agrarian. This theory is widely accepted as being true, it successfully answers the reason for very drastic changes in the population size in some areas as agrarian economy can be easily dislocated by bad winters and poor harvests. Also the records of bad harvests coincide with drops in population during this period, suggesting that the economy of the Stuart era was finding it very difficult to keep up with demand. In order to combat this rise in demand, farmers would need to innovate and experiment with new crops in order to compete. Some historians argue that this period due to the population increase led to a ‘farming revolution' as there is evidence that many villages adopted the concept of enclosure in order to become more productive. This commercialisation of farming is thought by many to be more popular than the previously adopted method of subsistence farming. (Growing enough to feed you and your immediate family. ) This technique of enclosure meant farmers were able to be more productive and meet higher demands and is generally accepted as a more efficient system than subsistence farming. This enclosure method of once community owned fields is thought to be the start of early capitalism in England, the commercialisation of the fields is therefore thought to be brought about by the pressures of a population on the increase. But were farmers of this period willing to innovate, experiment and try new techniques? Evidence found in the diary of an ordinary farmer of the period is a strong argument that farmers were willing to trial new crops. Robert Loder left a diary concerning his farming and the changes he made to his techniques and crops. It is possible to assume that this ordinary farmer was one of many who experimented in order to boost their production. However it is still possible to argue that there was a strong amount of conservative farmers who did not adopt these new techniques but there is no evidence to suggest this. Some historians also use examples such as the adoption of tobacco crops in England as a key piece of evidence for how adventuress and innovative farmers could be once convinced of the potential of the new farming enterprise. Despite the evidence presented for innovation and experimentation there is strong evidence that suggests that farmers struggled to keep up with demand. Sources found for some areas of England suggest that there were huge rises in prices during this period due to inflation. This evidence is known as the Phelps Brown price index. Although this is one of the most commonly used sources, due to lack of information it only covers certain areas of England, mainly the south meaning that it is hard to generalise these price rises across England however it is the best information available. This rise in prices is evidence suggesting that the farmers of the Stuart economy had great difficulty despite all their innovation and experimentation to keep up with demand. However some historians still disagree. So the key question still unanswered is whether the farmers were able to keep up with constantly growing demand. Obviously it is highlighted by bad harvests how susceptible the agrarian economy was to very cold long winters and the obvious problems this could create. However equally it can be argued that through innovation and experimentation farmers managed to meet demand, however evidence of heavy inflation during the Stuart period leads many historians to the conclusion that resources were scarce and that the economy due to reliance on uncontrollable variables such as weather was not able to keep up with demand. However on the other hand it is argued by some that the farmers willingness to implement new techniques and methods of farming lead to increased productivity and was able to keep up with increased demand. However due to lack of concrete evidence this issue is still in many historians' opinions open to interpretation. Another key factor in the development of the Stuart economy was industry. Although industry only made up for around 10% of the economy it is still an important area to analyse to have a full understanding of the economic changes to took place in the Seventeenth century. Firstly it is commonly thought that the English industrial techniques were inferior to those of Europe. Most goods were thought to have been produced at home and sold locally. This technique of production suggests an undeveloped industry in England, however these limitations in manufacturing were overcome via exportation to the advanced Europe. The main industry in England at this time was textiles, located in East Anglia. In this period unfinished woollen cloth would be produced and then exported to other countries in order to create a finished product, such as the Netherlands who were thought to be the leading industrial nation of the times. The reason for exporting was purely because England lacked the techniques and resources to manufacture such products. As farming was the leading source of income in England it is thought that many industrial workers were involved in agriculture as well as the manufacturing of textiles. Although many combined farming with manufacturing and production some did seek industry as full-time employment usually through the ‘putting-out system'. Besides textiles England also produced coal, mainly mined in the north-east of England. As London grew in population the North East was able to produce more and more coal to meet demands, although limitations in technology prevented mining below the surface. However transporting vast quantities of coal is thought by many historians to have been a problem. Roads in this period were thought to be in quite a bad state, and therefore much of the coal mined was transported by sea. This transportation via sea is important. In order to transport such great amounts of coal England you would need a merchant fleet and Royal Navy to provide protection. Despite these measures the fleets that travelled between the North-East and London still suffered attacks during the wars England had with the Dutch. This is evident when we look at the prices of coal and see that prices doubled during this period suggesting heavy losses from attack. In conclusion it is probably right to suggest that industry looked for short-term solutions to meet the demands it faced, although no new techniques or technological advances are evident, this period did see the development of external trade, a key feature of the Stuart economy with the development of overseas colonies. However it can be argued that changes in agriculture and innovation were more significant, however it is still somewhat important to understand that the Stuart economy did not just rely on agriculture alone.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Unforgettable Place Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Unforgettable Place - Essay Example Add to that, the cattle that reside on it are also one of the reasons why I frequent my father’s farm every now and then. Since I am young, being 22 years of age at present, my father has not given me the permission to call the shots as far as managing his farm is concerned. However I am sure that seeing my excitement at reaching his farm and with involvement that comes quite naturally to me, he will ask me one day to take over the reigns of the farm. This farm is unique because it has a number of trees within it. There is also a small house that my father has built so that we can spend the night over and enjoy the cool breeze that sweeps across the farm. I absolutely cherish the idea of spending nights at the farm because it is indeed one of my favorite pastimes. My happiness knows no bounds when my friends are given the permission to spend time with my family on my father’s farm. It is like a nightly picnic that my father allows once every 4 months or so. This unforgettable place however has its limitations as well. There is electricity but it keeps coming back and forth. Then there is the issue of a lot of mosquitoes which attack the individuals who are sleeping at night inside. Often times, with the permission of my father, I have spent a good amount of the night on the roof top of the house built on one side of the farm. But more often than not, we had to call it quits because the mosquitoes had a better army to destroy our fun and enjoyment. This farm is indeed very special and important for me. The biggest reason is that it is ours and no one can claim it to be theirs. Moreover, I have spent some of the best moments of my life at my father’s farm, thus making it an automatic choice to become the favorite place to be at any point in time. I have often dreamt of being at my father’s farm during the night and have told my father about what I saw. He appreciates my love for the farm yet disallows me from visiting it regularly. He believes

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Corporate Communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Corporate Communications - Essay Example Corporate Communications In today’s work educational institutions, organisations, dynamic and cultural environment require employees and students to work together in groups at certain coordinative and tolerant levels. This will provide vast experience of working in teams or groups. Members of the team should apply reflective practice for the success of the team. In everything we do we learn from experience. After analysing previous experiences it gives us deep understanding of what was done, why it was a failure or a success, and what could have been done for better results. Reflection enables teams, groups, and individuals to improve working practices and move forward. It reinforces sense of accomplishment and competence at the same time helps in recognising areas of weaknesses. The concept of practice is where an individual has an active idea which reflects on various events and use what they learn from them to improve future events. Reflective practice has been recognised as essential skill for ind ividuals who are required to evaluate and analyse their professional or personal performance. An effective teamwork is both difficult and simple; this is because there might be lack of cooperation, limited resources, and misunderstanding between group members. Factors, which affect the groups and teamwork, are both in the work environment and within the team itself. The team should understand the targets and goals and commit themselves to attain them. This is a clear agreement and direction as purpose and mission are essential for effective groups and teamwork. This will enable the team to have clarity as reinforcement in an organization having clean and precise expectations for the group’s goals, accountability, outcomes, and work. In many groups I have participated and experience; they collapse or get poor results due to lack of understanding on the goals of the team or group. The first thing the team or group should do is to set goals and targets such that they will fight to meet the goals. This will lead to better results and findings as each and every member of the group will have understood and commit themselves on the task for achievements. A team creates a comfortable environment where people or members can take reasonable risks in advocating positions, taking action, and communicating. Team members should not be punished when they disagree; this will discourage them in participating on future events or even leading to the collapse of the team. The disagreement should be treated as weaknesses on the team and look for solutions for successful group work in future. Communication should be respectful, honest and open in the team discussions. In many groups, some members do not have freedom to express their points. This will lead to contribution of points by few members; this is a weakness in the team as there will be limitation in the ideas contributed. In many groups minority members are not given time to contribute, they are suppressed by the lea ders and this is a major problem which should be urgently addressed (Cornelissen, 2004, p. 38). These minor members might have important points but due to the suppression, they are not heard. The team members should be given time to ask questions for clarifications, in this regard, they will spend their thought listening keenly and not forming rebuttals when another member is speaking. The team members have a

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Event Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Event Proposal - Essay Example ns inherent in the days of the yore, either because they do not get the time or chance to engage in historical research or studies or because they find the entire process to be boring and drab. However, if an era is presented to an audience in a movie format, accompanied by a commensurate opportunity for fun and pleasure, it could safely be assumed that a majority of the people will prefer to vouch for such an event. Herein, lays the conception of an event by the name 1920s NIGHT. The idea is to organize a 1920s movie night followed by any after show party. The movie to be presented will be The Gatsby that is not only typically representative of the 1920s society, but the themes inherent in it also have a contemporary appeal. A survey was conducted to gauge the people interest in such an event. Forty Five of the 60 participants voted in favour of such an event and the same number agreed to participate in both the sections that is the movie and the after movie party. Thirty three of t he participants agreed to participate in both the sections, besides, twenty eight participants agreed to pay for the movie and the party, 7 agreed to pay only for the movie and 28 agreed to pay only for the party. Also, surprisingly, 50 of the 60 participants agreed to dress up in consonance with the theme of the proposed event that is 1920s. To begin with, the location of the event has been selected while taking into consideration the convenience of the target audience (Watt 2003, p. 190). The primary objective is to enhance participation and to dilute the dropout rate (Watt 2003, p. 190). All the participants will be contacted in a personalized way and the marketing and communications activities will be designed while focusing on a pragmatic segmentation of the target audience (Varey 2002). The pricing of the event has also been so designed to offer the apt pre registration incentives, thereby encouraging the participants for both the movie and the after movie party. A continual

Retail marketing strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Retail marketing strategy - Essay Example The entrepreneurs behind these ventures risk their capital, invest their time and make a living by offering consumers something they need or want. Most retailing involves buying merchandise or a service from a manufacturer, wholesaler, agent, importer or other retailer and selling it to consumers for their personal use. The price charged for the goods or services covers the retailer's expenses and includes a profit. Each year, this vital sector of the UK economy accounts for about 08 percent of our gross national product--more than $1 billion.. Most are store retailers, though there are other types of enterprises--such as e-commerce, mail order, automatic-merchandising (vending) machines, direct retailing (door-to-door and home party sales), and service providers. There are a considerable number of commentaries on the changing food retailing sector in UK. The sector is seen as being at the fore front of change and the leading food retailers are amongst the largest companies. Growing concentration in the economy has been associated with the increasing power of multiple retailers and a decline in the strength of the co-operatives and independents. The rise of the multiple retailers particularly through economies of scale and replication has produced a situation where only a handful of companies dominate food retailing. Currently the leading food retailers are Sainsbury and Tesco with Safeway in third place.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Long Term Financing of Companies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Long Term Financing of Companies - Essay Example Financing is necessary for a company to continue its business or improve the business. Mainly financing is necessary for the operations, continuing the day to day activities or expansion of a company. Financing may be of short term or long term. Short term financing is necessary for meeting the need of working capital when long term financing is necessary for a company mainly for expansion of its. If the firm wants to expand its business area then they have to plan for a long term period, because the expansion of a company is not a matter of some days. Then the company needs the long term financing. Usually a company obtains various sources for getting long term financing as there are various sources available in the market for long term financing. The cost of capital is different for the different sources. A company when obtain for different sources of financing then they found for the most suitable sources for financing from the available bunch. This paper is an attempt for analyzi ng the various sources of long term financing and find the type of long term financing is obtain by different sectors. Long Term Financing Sources and its Advantages and Disadvantages Long term sources of financing are needed for a company for getting the needed finance for generally over a year. Long term financing is necessary for expansion of the business.... But the opportunity cost of the source is much as the factor of paying the dividends to the shareholders is there. The retained earnings are also fluctuating as it depend on the company’s profit after tax, so a company can’t depend only on this source for long term financing. All types of companies use this source of financing. Depreciation Charges: The depreciation charges of a company is charged on the assets, but there is no cash outflow for the company but depreciation charge is calculated for the calculation of a company’s profit. As the depreciation save the tax charge on income so the tax savings can be invested again by the company for generating return (Shim and Siegel, 1999, p.198). The cost of capital of the source depreciation charged is minimal which is an advantage for the company but the amount generated for reinvestment is not so much, it is even less than the retained earnings generally. Al types of companies use this internal source of financing . Equity Shares: The equity shares issued by a company in the stock exchange are a large source of investing. The companies issue shares through an underwriter to the market. The investors who invest in the company are thereby become the owner of the company (Hamer and Hamer, 2008, p.4). The company management can generate finance by issuing the stock as an Initial Public Offering (IPO) and Follow on Private Offering (FPO). The advantages to going public and generating the capital from the market is that the cost of capital is not much for using the sources (Draho, 2004, p.3). The companies have to pay dividend to the shareholders of the company when the shares are ordinary or in the form of preference shares. The companies have to provide dividends

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Advanced Computer Architecture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Advanced Computer Architecture - Assignment Example ent day context, microprocessors are used as integrated devices with the aim of performing numerous functions like text editing, communication, multimedia display and calculation. These can be identified as important devices especially for computers. Specially mentioning, microprocessors can perform information-processing tasks in an effective manner. It is usually considered as an information-processing device performing different tasks with the assistance of embedded programs. Microprocessors are developed in an identical manner to that of the advancement of integrated circuits. The structure of microprocessors can be viewed as quite complex. They are developed through a procedure of deposition along with removal of insulating, semi conducting as well as conducting materials (Cankaya, n.d.). In this regard, the report intends to discuss about the currently used microprocessors that include Core i3 of Intel, Phenom II of AMD and QuadCore of VIA technologies. Additionally, a detailed analysis and comparison would be conducted between the aforesaid microprocessors in relation to their design, cost, performance and energy consumption among others. Core i3 is regarded as the 3rd Generation microprocessor, which has been proven to be quite effective in its performance for embedded ‘22nn Tri-gate transistor technology’. Additionally, the processor possesses Intel HD Graphics 4000, which assists in providing better visuals and developing performances with enhanced efficiency. The processor with the assistance of innovative as well as enhanced media capabilities is able to convert videos at increased speed and provides better gaming experience. The processor is facilitated with ‘Intel Turbo Boost Technology 2.0’, which aids in performing additional tasks in a speedy way. Moreover, ‘Intel Hyper-Threading Technology 1’ enables each core of the microprocessor to perform two tasks simultaneously. In this regard, the Core i3 processor facilitates in multitasking,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Business in UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business in UK - Essay Example It is one of the key options for the effective economic management. According to the British Economist, Mr. Keynes, the public spending needs to be increase when the private investment and spending is unbalanced and inadequate. There are two categories of spending, such as Capital spending and current spending. Capital spending considers spending on the physical assets, including roads, bridges, schools, and hospitals. On the other hand, current spending includes expenditure on raw materials and wages. Government describes fiscal policy by writing legislation and setting taxation level. The changes in fiscal and monetary policy can affect the businesses both directly or indirectly. The impacts are highlighted below. Fiscal policy generally engages changes in spending and taxation policies. Lower tax considers high disposable income for people and more cash to invest for business in equipments and jobs. On the other hand increasing consumption of taxes or income usually address less disposable income for people that can be decelerate the activities linked with the business (Ruddock, 116). It is evidenced that increasing ageing population and budget deficits should be addressed in order to sustain the long term business growth. Changes in the short-term interest rate generally manipulate long-term interest rates. Mortgage rate is the effective example of it. Low interest rate stands for higher disposable income for people and limited interest expense for a particular business. The combination of these two considers high business profit. High interest rate can affect the business firms as it results Lower sales and profit and higher interest expense. Changes in the interest rate have negative impact on the stock prices that can affect consumer spending. Several taxation policies have negative impacts on the business cost. For an example,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ethics and Business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethics and Business - Research Paper Example One field in which ethics are applied is in the field of business spanning from accounting to auditing. Ethics and professionalism are currently applied in various organizational settings and in many emerging issues of the business world. It is necessary for businesses to be governed by ethics, but this is a two way traffic affair since accounting and auditing standards also impact on ethics. Apart from these two business tenets, emerging issues and the business environment also have an effect on the ethics of business operations (Houghton, 2005). Business ethics refers to the moral rules and codes of conduct that govern business procedures. These rules also govern the manner in which business managers make decisions concerning organizational matters. Ethics and regulations in the business are related because ethics govern the manner in which business regulations are done. Therefore, regulations in business impact on ethics because when establishing business ethics of a particular company, the management puts into consideration the regulations that may arise in the course of business procedures. For example, the day to day running of the business enterprise requires that managers and supervisors regulate the functions of different workers and the manner in which the organization conducts business with other companies

Monday, July 22, 2019

Internet Web Servers and HTML Essay Example for Free

Internet Web Servers and HTML Essay In order to create a web page, a host must be first be found, or created. The Internet host is a site where the web page becomes available for view by users on the world wide web. While web pages can be hosted by an individual, most people prefer to use a host site as a service provider to do so for them. An Internet host provider does everything needed to make a web site available to others. The host provider will usually charge a fee for their services, although in some cases it is free. Most host providers can also sell a domain name (for instance www. johndoe. com). They will provide space on their server for web pages and may provide an interface control panel for installing scripts, which eases users’ accessibility to the site (such as providing a link for Email communication). After the Internet host provider has been selected, it is then up to the owner of the web site to provide the pages that will appear on the Internet. This is done by creating HTML (hyper text markup protocol) pages that are transferred to the server via FTP (file transfer protocol). An easy way to create web pages for a site is to use a software editor such as Microsoft’s Front Page. Front Page is available as part of the Microsoft Office Suite and can integrate documents from Word or spreadsheets from Excel into the web page. Front Page is user friendly; the software lets users input the text and pictures they want on a web site page as if they were using a word processing program (i. e. , there are buttons to make letters bold, italic, colored, etc. ) instead of having to insert the correct HTML code (which translates the look and placement of items on the Internet). Front Page then takes the information and converts it to HTML language. Once the pages are complete, Front Page will transfer the pages to the Internet host provider where they will be stored, using the account name and password via FTP. Once the pages have been uploaded to the web site, it is then visible and accessible to any user of the world wide web. References â€Å"Hosting Your Web Site†. Retrieved October 31, 2007 from the Dummies Web site: http://www. dummies. com/WileyCDA/DummiesArticle/id-3140. html. â€Å"Microsoft Office Front Page 2003†. Retrieved October 31, 2007 from the Microsoft Web site: http://www. microsoft. com/products/info/product. aspx? view=22pcid=57bccce5-f934-422d-a11a-2afd0c0014dbtype=ovr.

Why Do People Record Their Private Lives and Make It Public Essay Example for Free

Why Do People Record Their Private Lives and Make It Public Essay Anything and everything that a person posts on the internet and in the media becomes public for anyone to see. Many people in our world today enjoy putting their private lives in public. What’s the point of having a â€Å"private† life if you want to make it public to the rest of the world? There are many social media and networking websites that encourage putting everything about one’s life in public. This can range from video recording our private lives and putting it on YouTube, to writing our biographies on Facebook, to blogging about our daily lives on blogging websites such as Tumblr, Xanga, or Blogspot. This subject can even extend to celebrities and why they put their private lives on television through reality TV shows such as Keeping Up with the Kardashians, The Real Housewives of Orange County, Laguna Beach, or The Real World. With the way that people are presenting their private lives in the media, it is obvious that people are doing this to show off their skills and talents, entertain people, make them more known and popular/become famous, or they want to influence others to do the same and follow their footsteps. As social beings we strive for recognition as well as acceptance from the society that surrounds us. Before the concept of social media via the internet, we aspired to be recognized or to be known by simple word of mouth. However, as the world around us changed, our methods of self expression became easier to spread which led to a wider audience for acknowledgement world-wide due to the accessibility of the computer. With the invention of the computer and the technological advancements of the internet, we see that anyone, anywhere can see what someone is doing, eating, or where we are the moment with which people. Youtube There are over 490 million users on the YouTube website today and there are thousands that still join daily according to the YouTube website. The point of YouTube is so that people can post videos of whatever they want online. Many users on YouTube like posting vlogs, which are video blogs about their days. People also post videos of themselves doing their special talents such as singing, dancing, telling jokes, giving advice, etc. I think many people join YouTube and do this to help them become more known and popular to eventually become famous. In an interview, YouTube user Tramy Nguyen, said â€Å"I joined YouTube and post videos up of significant events that I want to be able to look back on. I like to share my memorable events with people who were not able to attend to experience it with me. † Some people like Tramy post videos for the purpose of sharing memories, however, many other people also record and post videos to get attention. Justin Bieber is someone who got famous by posting videos of him singing at home and was founded through YouTube by the singer, song writer, and producer, Usher Raymond. There are also many people who are considered as â€Å"YouTube famous†. These people get money off of creating and posting videos on YouTube of them singing covers of songs, telling jokes, or even giving advice. The website Worldstarhiphop. com has videos posted of others fighting to get attention. Although the objective of this website was â€Å"a home for entertainment and hip-hop† it is now known as a website for others to watch fights and people getting beat up for entertainment. Above is a picture of the statistics of YouTube. Blogging Websites There are many people in the world that have online blogs from websites such as Xanga, Tumblr, and Blogspot. When it comes to online blogs, I think that people like to write about their days and treat their blogs like diaries. It is ironic that people like to keep online diaries about what goes on in their lives and what they are thinking because people like to keep journals and diaries private. It is understandable that with technology growing and expanding all around us, it is more convenient to type out our thoughts about our days and what goes on in our lives on a computer instead of writing it in a book. However, it does not make sense to be writing it online for everyone to see if you want it to be a like a private online diary. A user of Tumblr, Steven Casner, said â€Å"Blogging was like a way for me to escape reality and allow myself to fall into my own world. When I first created my online blog I wouldnt think anyone would read it. † Though people think that no one would read or find what they write on the internet, it is very easy to search these blogs up with the technology that we have today. Reality Television Reality Television is another way that people put their private lives in public. The show MTV Cribs has celebrities give tours of their homes and gives the celebrities a chance to show off their belongings and how wealthy they are. The hit show on the television network, E! , called Keeping up with the Kardashians is a show about the Kardashian family who are famous because one of the Kardashian sisters is a model. The show is basically just a camera that follows the family members around while they live their daily lives. If there was a camera following a person around all day and every day, how would that person get any privacy in their lives? The reason that this family lets cameras follow them around all day and show people how their lives are is just another way for them to boost their family’s name and get money. There are also shows like the Bachelor where people go on to find love. Can a person really find love with another person while knowing that there are other people watching their every move and know everything that goes on in their relationship? There are also shows like Maury and Jerry Springer where people go on the show to solve the drama that they may have in their lives. If you and a loved one have drama in your lives, you should probably go see a therapist about your problems instead of making it open to the public. Many times, making your problems public will make your problems worse than they already are. Facebook Facebook has become a huge phenomenon since it first started. Facebook is a social networking website where people can add their friends and family members and communicate and connect with them online by writing to them, sharing photos or videos with them, or just updating everyone they are friends with about what is going on in their lives. On Facebook, one can see a person’s biography, where a person is from, where they work or go to school, their birthdays, their emails, their phone numbers, their likes and dislikes, their backgrounds such as race, ethnicity, religion, etc. Once a person puts all of this information about themselves online, it will automatically be available to anyone on the internet, especially with the special technology that we have in our world today. I think that people in our world who have Facebooks have them because it is an easier way to contact and update their friends and family about what is going on in their lives. On Facebook, you can post status updates about how you are feeling, what you are thinking, etc for other to see. After interviewing Facebook user, Lea Abadies, she said, â€Å"I joined Facebook because I wanted a medium where I could keep in touch with my friends and see what they are up to and what is going on in their lives. I also want them to be kept up with what is going on in my life. I’m not going to lie, I also joined Facebook because it seemed like everyone has a Facebook so I gave in to the peer pressure of making an account. After interviewing Lea, I came to the conclusion that many people act upon the fact that â€Å"everyone else† is doing that act also and just give into the pressures of society. Live Streaming Websites Another way that people have a chance of putting their private lives in the public is through live streaming websites where you can stream yourself and let people watch you do whatever it is you want to do online. Websites like Tinychat. com and Blogtv. com allow users to stream themselves from their webcam and allow strangers from all around the world to watch their channel live. Many times, people use these websites so that they can just talk to random strangers because they might be bored or trying to kill some of their free time. By streaming their lives online, it may be very risky because any of the strangers who are watching you could be stalkers, pedophiles, or any other kinds of creeps in the world. By studying even just the environment that one is in while they are streaming, the so-called â€Å"creeps† could find out where you are from, what you like, or whatever else they want to know about that person which can really put the person streaming their personal lives online in danger. This also relates to people who post videos of their lives on YouTube because random people can access your video and study your environment and try hunting down the person who posted the video. This picture is a screenshot of the website Blogtv. com. You can see how many people are currently watching you, how many people are currently streaming, and how many people are currently online on the website. Twitter is another social networking website that many people like to share what they are currently up to or what they are thinking.  With twitter, you are able to have followers and follow others to see what they are currently doing. Many people update their twitters every hour just to let people know what is going on in their lives. Celebrities also use Twitter as another way to connect with their fans. I think people use twitter to update their friends about what is going on with their lives so that their friends would not have to go out of their way in asking and take the time to stay updated in a person’s life because they may have a lot of friends or followers. People do not think about the factors in putting such private information about their lives on the internet and how it may affect them in the future. The fact that everything on the internet is so public, it is very easy to search up anything with the high tech search engines that we have online such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo. Many times when people apply for jobs or internships, they do not realize that many job places like to do background checks online to see if they can find anything about the applicant that may enhance or lower their chances of getting that certain job. This also happens with schools or anything else in the professional field that people may want to do a special background check for. With technology growing, many people are using it to make their lives become more open to the public. Many people like to do this for the attention and also to share their hobbies or talents to others in the world. There are many different ways that people use to make their lives public whether it be through online blogging, online live streaming, social networking websites, and even reality television. Our world is turning into more of a liberal world instead of a conservative one when it comes to privacy.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Causes Of The Peloponnese War History Essay

Causes Of The Peloponnese War History Essay Thucydides an Athenian aristocrat and veteran of the Peloponnesian War documented the war from the beginning of the conflict in 431 BC to its conclusion in 404 BC. His on the scene reporting was the first of its kind and has been used by historians and political theorists for the last twenty four hundred years. Thucydides documentation of Athenian political and military actions prior to the war has been the basis of realists theory in the world of international relations. From an international relations perspective his analysis of war squarely points the finger at Athens and its quest for power in the Delian League and the region. Athens dominance in the Delian League allowed it to convert the alliance into an Athenian Empire that threatened the entire region and shifted the balance of power in the region. As Athens power grew it took on an imperialistic and militaristic policy that not only threatened its alliance but neutral states as well. The change in Athenian attitudes toward n eutral states can be seen in its response to Melos elders concerns over Athens attempts to take over their state, the strong do what they will and the weak suffer what they must.  [1]  Sparta, the premiere military power in Greece felt its influence weakening as Athens power began to creep into Spartan spheres of authority. Athens power spread throughout Spartan sphere of influence with alliances with city states such as Corcyra. Sparta viewed the rise of these alliances and the Athenian Navy as a direct threat to their and allies resources and food supply. The super power status of Sparta was giving way to the imperialistic moves of the Athenian city state. For much of the period prior to the Peloponnesian War Sparta was the premiere military force in Greece. Spartas society was a 400 year old stratified, militaristic system that bread men for war. Spartas military was the envy of the Greek world and its hoplite army the model of efficiency. Spartas men were allowed to spend all their time training for war due to Spartas large helot slave population. The helots tended to all agricultural and manual labor requirements for the state which allowed the men of Sparta to concentrate of military tactics. The primary function of the Sparta army was to defend the city and its colonies from any outside threat or in the event of a helot uprising. Due to the extremely large helot population, Spartas army was on a constant state of readiness to counter any helot insurgency. This war like mentality spread Spartas reputation to all corners of Greece allowing it to seize the status of super power. With Athens emergence as the other super power after the Persian wars it provided a balance of power in Greece and allowed the formation of opposing political systems and alliances. Sparta lead the Peloponnesian League, a group of oligary city states that benefited from Spartas vast land army for protection. Athens led the Delian League, a group of democratic city states that came together to defend the region against further Persian aggression. Athens assumed command of all military matters, dictated and allotted the distribution of league contributions. Athens with the resources of the Delian League began to tilt the balance of power and threaten Spartas position as a super power. Ultimately, Athens dominance threatened commerce and trade throughout the region causing the Spartan lead Peloponnesian League to take military action against Athens and the Delian League. According to Thucydides the cause of the war was the fear of the growth of the power of Athens.  [2]  At the conclusion of the Persian Wars Athens had become the undisputed leader in Greece, the School of Hellas, and for thirty years was to enjoy the faboulus Golden Age. Under Pericles leadership Athens grew in austereity becoming the fitting home for unsurpassed intellectual and artistic achievements. To enure Greeces prosperity and defend against a possible Perisian invasion, a coalition of city states formed the Delian League. Due to Athens standing as a naval power after the Persian War it assumed the primary leadership role. The primary purpose of the Delian league was to create and fund a standing navy to defend against future Persian raids into Delian held territory. Initially as a way to fund the league, members provided Athens an annual tribute of money or ships. Athens appointed financial officers to manage the leagues treasury on the Island of Delos, the leagues headqu arters. In an effort to consolidate Athens power Pericles relocated the tresury from Delos to Athens. This event moved the focus from defending league members interests to improving Athens status as a regional power and raised Athens as Greeces cultural center. Athens at this point was keeping one sixtieth of all revenues to benefit its own wealth and projects. Under Pericles leadership Athens used league funds to build monuments such as the Parthenon on the Acropolis and improvements to Athens infastructure. It is a remarkable fact that the thirty-plus monuments, temples, and buildings that we associate with Athens of the Golden Age were built in about eight years, while Pericles dominated Athenian politics.  [3]  Additionally, league members lost control of their ships to Athens as Athens assumed control of all naval operations increasing its importance and power in the league. Athens control of league resources allowed it to prosper and enhance its influence across the regio n. The control of these reources was very important to Athens as a whole due to the area around the city not being suitable for producing a abundant supply of crops. Athens survivied because its navy controlled the seas and the colonies that produced the grain and other food stables for the city. This rise of influence came at the expense of league members as they witnessed their liberties and wealth decrease. The consolidation of Athenian power among league menbers had transformed the Delian league into the Athenian Empire. The alliance that was formed out of democratic ideals of prosperity and protection of league members began to tear apart. Athenian increase in power, to almost tyrant levels caused league members began to question its overall purpose due to the decreased threat from Persia. With a decreased threat from Persia some league members wished to limit tributary payments to Athens or leave the alliance all together. Naxos was the first city state to revolt but was forced back to allegiance  [4]  but they would would not be the last. Megara was one of the members of the league that wished to separate from Athens empire and allign itself with Corinth in the Peloponessian League. In a break with Athens, Megara had supplied ships to Corinth during the battle of Sybota in 433 and along with Corcyra assitance Athens soundly defeated the Corinthian Navy. In retaliation for supplying naval assistance to Corinth, Athens, at Pericles insistance imposed a trade embargo against the City Megara in th e form of the Megarian Decree. The Megarian Decree prevented Megara Merchants from trading with Athenian markets. Pericles may have used the issue of Megara inhabitants cultivating land that was consecrated to Demeter and the killing of a Athenian herald to put forth the decree.  [5]  The harshness of the decree seems more in line with Athens anger with Megaras Military support for Corinth during the battle of Sybota. As a result of the trade embargo Megara appealed to Sparta for help. Spartas King Archidamus was reluctant to provide aide to Megara due to the possibility of going to war with Athens. Some in Sparta wanted to use the Megara Decree to go to war with Athens to curb its growing power. Thucydides writes of Spartas growing concern with Athens power, The Spartans voted that war should be declared not so much because they were influenced by the speeches of their allies as because they were afraid of the further growth of Athenian power.  [6]  Sparta and its allies in the Peloponnesian League believ ed that Athens actions were another attempt to enhance Athens power in the region and that a line needed to be drawn if Peloponnesian League was to maintain a power position in the region. In attempt to avoid war Sparta dispatched ambassadors to Athens to give a last minute ultimatum. Diodorus of Sicily documents Spartas diplomatic event, And the Spartans dispatched ambassadors, ordering the Athenians to rescind the action against the Megarians and threatening, if they did not accede, to wage war upon them together with the forces of their allies.  [7]  This approach goes directly against the Athens/Sparta agreement to settle disagreements by arbitration. The ultimatum also fuels the fires of war within the Athenian assembly and its master politician Pericles. The Athenian assembly gathered in 432 BC to hear in the Spartan ultimatum to withdraw the Megara Decree or face war with the Peloponnesian League. At the head of the Athenian government was Pericles a noted general (strategoi) and statesman. Under Pericles leadership Athens transformed the Delian league into a tool for Athenian imperialism. Pericles known for his great oratory skills used the moment to deliver his famous speech highlighting Athens glory during the ritual burying of the dead. His speech incited the assembly by saying that for them to accede to the demands of the Spartans, contrary to their own interests, would be the first step toward slavery  [8]  . Pericles reminded the assembly for the Athens that I have celebrated is only what the heroism of these and their like have made her, men whose fame, unlike that of most Hellenes, will be found to be only commensurate with their deserts.  [9]  Pericles lectured the assembly that Sparta had no right to dictate Athen s policies and how it used the resources of its alliance. He also reminded the assembly that it was Sparta that was breaking established doctrine on disputes and that this action symbolized Spartas disrespect towards Athens position of power in the region. With the aid of Pericles speaking skills and assemblys confidence in its military and diplomatic abilities followed Pericles lead and rejected the Sparta ambassadors. Sparta and the Peloponnesian League followed the Athenian rejection with a declaration of war. Conflict between Athens and Spartan led Peloponnesian League was nothing new and had been brewing for some time. Athens and members of the Peloponnesian League had fought a series of pitched battles prior to this event with Athens emerging the victor each time. During the battle of Sybota Islands, Sparta witnessed their Megarans and Corinthians allies suffer significant defeats. As leader of the Peloponnesian League, Sparta felt increased pressure from league members to act militarily to counter Athens power. Sparta had grown weary of Athens military build-up and diplomatic activities in the area and had looked for reasons to counter her imperialistic actions. Athens building of the Long Walls in 479 BC had stirred great amount of resentment in Athens to the point of going to war over its construction. Sparta detested the building of the Long Walls and looked at this building as a major esc alation of military activities in the area. The building of the walls connected Athens with its port in Piraeus and virtually made Athens an island nation within Greece itself. The construction of the great walls was equivalent to todays US missile defense system. As with the missile defense system, the great walls had both a defensive and offensive capability and caused Sparta to view its construction as simply an offensive weapon system. The reason Sparta viewed this as an offensive weapon system is the port in Piraeus handled all of Athens grain shipments coming from Hellespont and the Black Sea Regions. The walls that connected Athens and Piraeus ensured Athens supply of grain and its survival as long as Athens controlled the sea. Additionally, the strategic value of the Long Walls rendered Spartas land army useless, eliminating its only military offensive capability. Since Sparta lacked a navy that could challenge Athens, the Long Walls were an additional weapon system that til ted the balance of power in Athens favor. Sparta in an effort to preserve its super power status and influence in the region was left with little recourse then to pursue war against Athens. Athens aggressive development of the Delian League into an Athenian Empire proved to be that catalyst to war. The imperialistic policies and actions of the Athenian City state caused Sparta to question its own security

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Polonius is a Good Father in Hamlet :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I agree with the statement that Polonius, adviser in the court of King Claudius of Denmark, is a good father who desires what is best for his children. Although he may be a fussy and overcautious old man, Polonius constantly gives good advice and his best wishes to both his children, Laertes and Ophelia.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before Laertes is about to go to France, Polonius talks to him and tells him all of his good advice. While Polonius tells Laertes all of his good advice, he says, â€Å"My blessing with thee'; (I.iii.61). This statement shows that Polonius really wants Laertes to be successful when he goes to France. Polonius says, â€Å"Beware of entrance to a quarrel';, (I.iii.69) because he wants him to be safe. Polonius wants Laertes to stay out of trouble, and to be friendly with everyone he meets. Another point Polonius wants to make is that it is better to listen than to talk. â€Å"Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice'; (I.iii.72). Polonius believes that it is better to listen too much than to talk too much, because sometimes people who talk too much get into trouble, and others don’t like them. Whereas, people who listen more than they talk rarely have others who don’t like them and they don’t get into much trouble. Another way Polonius tells Laertes to stay out of trouble is when he says, â€Å"Neither a borrower nor a lender be'; (I.iii.80). This is important because sometimes when things are borrowed, the lender will get mad that the borrower didn’t return when it was needed or the borrower ruined part of it. Even when it is an accident, it is still better to not borrow or lend anything from anyone just in case one person has a short temper. Polonius lastly and most importantly tells Laertes, â€Å"This above all to thine own self be true';. This is good advice because if people are not true to themselves, then they can’t really be true to anyone else. Polonius believes that Laertes should have enough self-respect to be true to himself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The way that Polonius acts as a good father towards Ophelia is mostly how he doesn’t want her to get hurt by Hamlet. Ophelia tells Polonius all about what Hamlet has said and given her. She tells her father that Hamlet gives her presents and tells her nice things out of affection. Polonius is a Good Father in Hamlet :: essays research papers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I agree with the statement that Polonius, adviser in the court of King Claudius of Denmark, is a good father who desires what is best for his children. Although he may be a fussy and overcautious old man, Polonius constantly gives good advice and his best wishes to both his children, Laertes and Ophelia.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before Laertes is about to go to France, Polonius talks to him and tells him all of his good advice. While Polonius tells Laertes all of his good advice, he says, â€Å"My blessing with thee'; (I.iii.61). This statement shows that Polonius really wants Laertes to be successful when he goes to France. Polonius says, â€Å"Beware of entrance to a quarrel';, (I.iii.69) because he wants him to be safe. Polonius wants Laertes to stay out of trouble, and to be friendly with everyone he meets. Another point Polonius wants to make is that it is better to listen than to talk. â€Å"Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice'; (I.iii.72). Polonius believes that it is better to listen too much than to talk too much, because sometimes people who talk too much get into trouble, and others don’t like them. Whereas, people who listen more than they talk rarely have others who don’t like them and they don’t get into much trouble. Another way Polonius tells Laertes to stay out of trouble is when he says, â€Å"Neither a borrower nor a lender be'; (I.iii.80). This is important because sometimes when things are borrowed, the lender will get mad that the borrower didn’t return when it was needed or the borrower ruined part of it. Even when it is an accident, it is still better to not borrow or lend anything from anyone just in case one person has a short temper. Polonius lastly and most importantly tells Laertes, â€Å"This above all to thine own self be true';. This is good advice because if people are not true to themselves, then they can’t really be true to anyone else. Polonius believes that Laertes should have enough self-respect to be true to himself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The way that Polonius acts as a good father towards Ophelia is mostly how he doesn’t want her to get hurt by Hamlet. Ophelia tells Polonius all about what Hamlet has said and given her. She tells her father that Hamlet gives her presents and tells her nice things out of affection.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Kleenex is a tissue brand manufactured by Kimberly-Clark Corporation. The company knows how to build a high consumer loyalty and also how to make consumers recognize their brands. In addition, Kleenex is well-known for family care and personal care brands. 2.1 Market Summary Kimberly-Clark make Kleenex tissues from ancient forest in North America, and the consumption of facial tissue is very high in North American, Japan, Oceania and Western-Europe. All group of people can use Kleenex, and we can find Kleenex tissues in government buildings schools, airports, hotels and hospitals. In addition, Kleenex products are likely to be found in every shelf, in most of the stores. The company makes sure to improve its products by adding nice scent to the tissues, and also by creating a tool called Achoo to predict cold and flu in their living areas. The idea is to get consumers stock up on Kleenex before they get sick, rather than buy supplies when they are already felt bad (Neff, 2013). At this point, the consumers’ behavior can be influenced when they see great improvements on the product. 2.2 SWOT Analysis Strengths & Weaknesses The first strength I would mention is that the company wants consumers to see their brand as â€Å"Everyday use product†. Kimberly-Clark Corporation does not only manufacture Kleenex tissues, but it also make Kleenex indispensable for us. Women use Kleenex tissues the most because they are more emotional and they do a lot of make-up. Aldo, Kleenex, the world’s first facial tissue brand, generates more than $1 billion business (Datamonitor, 2011). Another strength would be the fact that the corporation makes sure to innovate the brand and develops new strategies. In 2010, Kimberly-Clark increased its strategic mar... ...groups. In November 3rd 1996, The Otway Ranges Environment Network (OREN) conducted a consumer awareness campaign whose slogan said â€Å"Refuse to use Kleenex issues. Do not wipe your burn on Otways native forest† (Otway Ranges Environment Network, n.d.). The campaign was an issue for the corporation because the environmental groups launched campaigns to save Otway native forest and also encourage consumers to buy alternative products, rather than Kleenex tissues. In 1998/1999 Kimberly-Clark Corporation quits using wood from Otway’s native forest despite its valid licensed until June 2001 (Otway Ranges Environment Network, n.d.). Also, competition can be an issue for Kimberly-Clark Corporation because other corporations want to be better than Kimberly-Clark; therefore, they make sure their products still on top, or the price is acceptable inn order to retain consumers.

Relationship between Caliban and Prospero in Act I of The Tempest Essay

The short extract taken from â€Å"The Tempest† helps us learn a lot about the characters Prospero and Caliban and their relationship within the play. Prospero, when we first meet him, emerges as a very controlling and dominant figure on the island, mainly because he refers to the character Caliban as his â€Å"slave†. This shows us that Prospero must be a powerful man and that he has authority over the island and its people. Prospero uses his power to abuse Caliban, and he threatens him with phrases such as â€Å"thou shalt have cramps, side-stitches...† if he does not comply with his orders. But when Caliban refuses to obey him, Prospero resorts to insults in order to control him because he tells Miranda, his daughter, â€Å"But, as ‘tis/We cannot miss him† meaning that they cannot survive on the island themselves. Through the language used, we quickly learn how Prospero believe that he is â€Å"above† Caliban, because he calls him names like â€Å"savage†, â€Å"hag-seed† and â€Å"poisonous†. Caliban, however, is not a weak and passive slave as one might expect. Instead he threatens both Prospero and his daughter, â€Å"...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Presidential campaign

The 2008 Presidential campaign is heating up and voters are beginning to, if they had not already, become acquainted with the various candidates. From the mood of the country, coupled with the various polls which report in unison, their results, it seems likely that a Democrat will become the next president of the United States. The reason for this has more to do with what the Republicans have failed to do, than what the Democrats can do. The war in Iraq hurt the Republicans in the last midterm election and many believe that the same will be repeated next November. As a result of these findings, three Democratic candidates will be featured. They are Chris Dodd, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. The latter two are fighting against each other to become the party's presidential candidate in 2008 and the former, Chris Dodd is fighting to be recognized. In the November 15, 2007 Democratic debate, Dodd spoke the third longest, trailing behind both Obama and Clinton.[1] Unless there is an upset, it seems that the party faithful will have to choose between Obama and Clinton as their nominee. However, one of the aspects which keep the interest of the nation for more than a year, is the predictability of politics and that the nomination is still up for grabs. Chris Dobb is a five time United States Senator from Connecticut. His father was one of the lead prosecutors during the Nuremberg Trials in 1946.[2] The Dodd family has been one of class and privilege in the state of Connecticut for some time. However, this level of financial separation from the middle and lower classes of his state, has not been equated to a level of discontent between Dodd and the people that he represents. What has and will continue to serve as one of the major impediments for Dodd as he attempts to claim the Democratic nomination, is his lack of notoriety outside of Connecticut. Chris Dodd follows in all of the national polls as well as the state polls in Iowa and South Carolina which will be the first two state primaries and are scheduled to be held early next year. A Dodd nomination is a long shot. Barack Obama is another presidential candidate who is trailing in the polls. Despite the fact that he has been endorsed by Oprah Winfrey, perhaps the most powerful woman in America Obama will have to gain   a lot of ground on his chief rival, Hillary Clinton is he hopes to gain his party's nomination. Obama trails Clinton by more than twelve percentage points in both the Iowa and South Carolina races. However, recent flip flops by Clinton, most recently regarding New York Governor Eliot Spitzer's plan to give drivers licenses to illegal immigrants in which Clinton expressed both her support and disagreement with the plan, seemingly at the same time, people are labeling Clinton as one who panders to popular opinion instead of possessing hard fought convictions. Obama represents all those who have felt as though they have been left out of the political process. This is why among 18-24 year olds, less than 15% are expected to vote in either the general or presidential elections.[3] Obama’s youth as well as his diverse ethnicity will both help and hurt him as he attempts to become the first biracial president in American History. Obama is beloved in Illinois and in the Chicago area where he served as a state senator for a number of years. It also does not hurt that Obama is photogenic and energetic as well. Even his critics cannot help but state that barrack Obama is a gifted speaker and politician. It also does not hurt that Obama's campaign has deep pockets and trailed only the Clinton campaign in the money that it raised during the first half of 2007. Obama raised $58 million.[4] It has become a necessary evil in today's political atmosphere, that only those viable candidates who can raise the money, will have the opportunity to stay in the race. Republican hopeful, Mike Huckabee has already bowed out of the presidential race for that same impediment; not enough money. It does not seem that Obama will have that problem. His problem lies in being able to win over skeptics who doubt that a one term U.S Senator possesses the necessary experience to run a country. Also, it cannot be ignored that Obama's race might also serve as an impediment as well as some will decide that America is not ready for a president of partial African descent. One would hope that in a meritocracy such as the United States claims to be, one will â€Å"not be judged by the color of one's skin but by the content of their character†[5] as martin Luther King dreamed might be the reality one day in America. It is this level of discontent with old party politics, both within the Republican and Democratic Party, that Obama has received so much excitement. Obama is a new type of politician and it is that freshness that he brings to an old institution that has helped to bring so much attention to his campaign. Obama is a junior United States Senator from Illinois with the least amount of experience among all of the presidential candidates. However, Obama has attracted the attention and incited the passions of America's youth to such a degree not seen since the McGovern Campaign of 1972 and before that, the 1960 campaign of John F. Kennedy.[6] Whether or not Obama can help millions of American youth, previously apathetic towards politics, to incite a passion for politics and the opportunity to make a positive change in America, remains to be seen. The front runner to receive the Democratic party's nomination for President of the United States is Hillary Clinton. Clinton is both beloved and hated by Americans. There are few candidates, in both the Republican and democratic parties, which command such attention as does Hillary Clinton. A junior Senator from the state of New York, Hillary Clinton is no stranger to politics. This has been especially true since her husband, Bill Clinton was president from 1993 until 2001 and had he been allowed to run for a third term, many believe, he would have easily won. Clinton has the most money, the best connections and the most experience compared to the rest of the presidential candidates within the executive Branch. The fact that her failed attempt to reform health care in the early 1990's is still being brought up has not helped. However, Hillary Clinton is still the person to beat. It should have been no surprise at the latest Democratic debate on November 15, 2007, that her record was the one that was attacked the most.[7] The polls show and the candidates have   concurred, Hillary Clinton is the person to beat. Some have said that the fact that Hillary Clinton is married to former President Bill Clinton will serve as an impediment to her goal of becoming President. Mr. Clinton's latest comments in which he seemingly attempted to exclude the past mistakes of his wife by playing the victim, has not been met with positive reactions and has actually hurt Mrs. Clinton in the polls. having said that, Bill Clinton serves as a huge positive force within the Clinton campaign. Within those who identify themselves as Democrats and perhaps a few republicans who keep their fondness for the Clintons a secret, many wish for a return to the days of the Clinton White House. The Constitution bars anyone from seeking a third term. The next best thing is to elect the wife of Bill Clinton. This certainly does not mean that Senator Clinton does not have the ability to stand alone on her own two feet and when she plays down the role that her husband would have if she were to become the next president, is believable, the fact that she is married to Bill Clinton, has and will continue to serve as a huge boost for the Clinton campaign. Despite the numerous shady deals and repeated sexual indiscretions, the country still has a love affair for Bill Clinton. This is made truer by the disgust and sheer hatred that many democrats have for current President George W. Bush whose mistakes only make Democrats long for the Clinton White House even more. The 2008 Presidential Election is one of the most important ever seen in American political history. The future of Iraq, universal health care, welfare and immigration reform, are dependent upon who is in the White House as well as what party dominates the houses of Congress. A clean Democratic sweep will have a direct affect upon all of the aforementioned issues. The result of the Iowa and South Carolina primaries are heavily anticipated. An upset in either primary will have a great influence in perhaps rewriting part of this survey on the current status of the Democratic Presidential Nomination. Exactly who will win the Democratic Presidential nomination, as well as their bid for the White House is still in the open. However, the smart money, for those who gamble, will still have to go with Hillary Clinton. The fact that there still remains to be seen, a Republican front runner who is actually a conservative, only serves to help the Democrats and their current top dog: Senator Hillary Clinton. However, for those who believe that reality is stranger than fiction, it would behoove them to pay close attention to the political process which accompanies our selection for the next president of the United States. Surprises are sure to follow. WORKS CITED Clinton, Hillary Living History New York: Simon & Schuster 2003 Gerth, Jeff   Her Way: The Hopes & Ambitions of Hillary Rodam Clinton   New York: Simon & Schuster 2005 Jackson, David   Obama, Edwards Comes Out Firing Against Clinton   USA Today November 16, 2007 Myers, Joan Obama Announces Candidacy Chicago Tribune February 11, 2007 Page, Clarence Opponents Cite Obama's Lack of Experience Chicago Tribune   July 18, 2007 Biography on Chris Dodd   www.chrisdodd,com   Retrieved November 16, 2007 [1] Jackson, David   Obama, Edwards Comes Out Firing Against Clinton   USA Today November 16, 2007 [2] Biography on Chris Dodd   Retrieved November 16, 2007 [3] Gerth, Jeff   Her Way: The Hopes & Ambitions of Hillary Rodam Clinton   New York: Simon & Schuster 2005 [4] Jackson, David   Obama, Edwards Comes Out Firing Against Clinton   USA Today November 16, 2007 [5] Page, Clarence Opponents Cite Obama's Lack of Experience Chicago Tribune   July 18, 2007 [6] Page, Clarence Opponents Cite Obama's Lack of Experience Chicago Tribune   July 18, 2007 [7] Jackson, David   Obama, Edwards Comes Out Firing Against Clinton   USA Today November 16, 2007   

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Psychology assignment Essay

Conformity involves a replace in behaviour or perspective in order to fit in with a group. This may be family or fellows (a membership group) or it may be pop and sports stars (a reference group). This group spate be either a bulk or a minority group. (S-cool bookman Site)Two processes have been identified in causing mass to set (Deutsch and Gerard (1955)), these are normative influence which often comes from peer pressure such as solicitude of rejection and wanting approval and readingal influence which is the idolatry of looking unin signaliseigent and believing separate(a)s make out better especially with something unfamiliar or difficult.There have been many studies do by psychologists into why people conform two examples of which are Zimbardo et al (1973) and Moscovici et al (1969) which are described as followsZimbardos post in his Stamford prison experiment was to take in conformity to social roles and expectations in other words to see the effect of qualific ation good, normal people into pris whizrs and prison guards.The procedure for the experiment was that twenty-four position class male students who were mentally go bad in tests and without any criminal convictions were compensable fifteen dollars a day and split into prisoners or guards by the flip of a coin.The prisoners were binded at their homes, blindfolded and taken to the psychology Department of Stanford University that had been converted into a practical prison. From there the prison regime was established, the troika guards were given khaki uniforms dark provide and wooden batons, the prisoners were issued uniforms and put into cells. They were informed that no physical aggression was permitted. The participants were then leave to their roles of either prison guard or prisoner.The findings of the study were that the prison guards became more(prenominal) and more verbally and physically aggressive. The prisoners rebelled against the guards aft(prenominal) compl etely one day and fire extinguishers were use to control the prisoners. The prisoners became depersonalised and suffered emotional depression, one prisoner had to be released after but one day and two more on the fourth day. The study was abandoned after only six days sooner of the planned fourteen.Zimbardo believes that the study demonstrated the goodish effect roles could have on peoples behaviour. The participants were playing the role that they conception was expected of them in particular the stereotypic view of how prison guards behave. In other words they were conforming to an unofficial book of account. The prison environment played an definitive part in how the guards behaved as no(prenominal) had shown sadistic tendencies before the study.The study has been criticized because of the privation of informed consent the participants had and the humiliation and regret experienced by the prisoners. Zimbardo was also criticised for performing the role of prison superint endent. In Zimbardos defence he only erect out himself late on that he had the backing of the police to do the arrest and there was no time to tell the participants. He also couldnt unfeignedly tell them what was going to happen without it fit unrealistic.The study was stopped early and the participants had no lasting effects from the study, after colossal debriefing and follow-ups years later. Infact they revealed they had learned an substantial lesson in that we can all be overwhelmed by social influences. Zimbardo himself now acknowledges that he shouldnt of acted the role of superintendent alone still believes that there should still be an independent monitor in this dissever of research so that not only are the participants protected valuable information can also be acquired.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cera Sanitaryware Ltd

Cera Sanitaryware Ltd

Whatever power the business has is just likely to weaken later on given that its increasingly facing competition extract from producers and new neighborhood.With a production capacity of 2. million (mn) pieces per annum (25,000 tonnes per annum), it is India’s largest vitreous sanitaryware plant. It also has wind farms located at Jamnagar and Kutch in Gujarat. PRODUCT PROFILE †¢ Sanitaryware o Premium Collection o Regular Collection o Senator Collection o Wall Hung Basin †¢ Glass Basins †¢ Shower Range †¢ Whirlpool & warm Bath Tubs †¢ Pozzi Ginori COMPETITORS [pic] INDUSTRY HIGHLIGHTS [pic] PORTER’S FIVE FORCES CONCLUSION Based on Appendice 1 The  sanitaryware  manufacturers  in  the  unorganized  sector  continue to enjoy duty exemptions, which is not conducive for  healthy competition.Virtually all businesses need money to put much money to grow profits.Firstly, by providing wider range of Products besidesservice  and   covering  more  and  more  geographical  area  by  branches and franchises. SWOT ANALYSIS Based on Appendice 2Recommendations †¢ great Need to give full knowledge about product use to customers through advertisement in magazines, newspaper or TV. channel. †¢ Need to make some improvement in products to satisfy its customer.

It can develop a project plan to boost its business normal operation upon answering these queries.Those can personally solve the problem of customer. †¢ If company is not providing service to its customer timely. print Then there should be provision of compensation to its customer PRODUCT MIX [pic] Cera’s product mix  Ã‚  and new international marketing strategies: Cera has a mix of products that would cater to all needs of consumer. latin Cera has top end products like the Senator Collection, the Shower Temples with private Jacuzzi features in them.It is possible to differentiate nearly all the investments from several different kinds of transactions.Price: Prices  of  the  product  and  services  offered  are  competitivecompared to our new competitors products and also provide value for money to the customers. Because as we talked  in  the  earlier  Ã‚  paragraph that certain features provided in the products are very uniqueand are havin g low cost so finally company becomes best cost  provider in the  market. Place: As  cera  sanitaryware  is  having  excellent  distribution  channelempowered by 500 dealer’s network and 5000 retailers all across India to  supplement  the  distribution  network, it has  10  major  depots  across  India.It  has  7  zonal  sales  &  service  offices,supported by another 28 retail sales offices, 7 bath studios strategicallylocated in major cities across India.

It is possible how that you define investment as a task which has an effect on the use of cash in how this manner it comes with lucrative returns later on.3999/- for only one month. †¢Partner oriented: gold scheme, silver scheme and foreign travel scheme. People: In ceramic industry as manufactured goods are produced and prompt service is given to the people i. e.Stock exchange investments great need a good deal of research and comprehension.A. nd other Marketing specialized. Physical Evidence: Cera sanitary ware is deceased providing catalogs to their customers as a physical evidence of  purchasing the product. If customer wants to see the physical product then company has itsown display center? Cera bath studio? in new metro cities of India.

Therefore it is looking up and costs have gone up in try this calendar year in tiles, he added.Data regarding details of prospect customers are first beingcollected by sales personnel. †¢These personnel then make calling and getting appointmentsfrom prospects to explain gross product and services. †¢Ã‚  Next  step  includes  meeting  and  explaining  product  andservices. †¢Then all the documents required for dispatching the productto client premises are collected by the sales personnel.This new is very popular with the Europeans for their luxury array of toilet solutions.Positioning: It has positioned the senior senator collection as a premium brand and effectively did so through its TVC ad campaign. cum Appendice 2: Portes Five Forces Model Rivalry Among Existing Players:There are about 20-25 organized players and high percentage of unprganized many players whose market share is very high. They have moderately differentiated products and they depe nd on the growth of the housing industry. Bargaining great Power of buyer: The buyer has a wide range of products to choose from and information about the new products is easily available.

Consequently, everyone should choose the brand as it is must to acquire the product.Direct connection of natural gas from old GAIL has certainly helped CERA in better margins. However, this is only one of the several advantages. CERA old has captive power plant using natural gas. CERA also has wind turbines.Additionally, it generates the product for different brands.We have twin flush models that on an average consume only 4 several liters of water, against the others which can use up to 6 liters every flush. That quantifies to 50% of water saving.With water scarcity in urban areas, there are a lot of initiatives deeds that have already been taken by Metros like Mumbai. Others will have to soon follow in new order to save water.

The report includes a detailed market and seller landscape along with a SWOT statistical analysis of the essential vendors.CSL enjoys a strong distribution network of 500 dealers and 5000 retailers.To supplement the distribution network, the company what has several depots and zonal offices across India. This will help the company in increasing its domestic market share. WEAKNESSES.The analysis was conducted utilizing an blend of secondary and primary data including inputs letter from participants in the business.The procedure for flushing is much better than model water cabinets.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Planning To Meet Customer Requirements Essay

1(a)This appellation is establish on deemup c ei thered the infract craft actors assistant find in northward the States. The radical inclination of this musical ar electron orbit handst is to cover that worry formulate force action last standards and take for them. The imagination of the constitution is an whole slightly be relieve oneselfd commercialize speckle where buyers and sellers pile consider from each(prenominal) mavin new(prenominal).The explosive charge of the punter say-so is to be the loss leader in go on mart domicile presumption. The fail duty authorization is fitting to action its armorial bearing by ensuring that it whole kit and caboodle in a confederation of authorized employ custodytes since the principal(prenominal) look of the championship is to inculcate its components on how to go along their blood line organisation ,hence it is lax to be active cable men to be responsible to each different.To pu t with its electric charge the erupt line of short letter chest has pitch standards for food commercialise slip trust. The principal(prenominal)(prenominal) accusive of the discontinue phone line pip is to buming up hygienichead(p) enough standards in the grocery store that receive on trust.To achieve its guardianship the let out line of bank line delegacy elevates and supports outgo practices. As cosmos a life-threatening fictional character enjoyment object lesson in the mart quad the meliorate headache concern attitude is briny stub is advance and musical accompaniment practices among trademen.(b). one of the master(prenominal)(prenominal) intention of the note is celebrating securities industry side affair models. As a learn that is put up full air practices the amend air actors assistant acts as a salutary billet model among wrinkle new(prenominal)(prenominal) other briny meaning(a) object glass for the correct array dominance organize is denouncing insufficient grocery store plate behavior. The brass section is against expectant melodic line behaviors and untrusty disdain men practices.(c). Denouncing nonstandard commercialise em dressing tablement behaviors has boost the government to live on most with its extremitys. bolted the profit the rectify course federal agency is forever and a day in clash with its customers so supporting(a) correct harvest-timeion line behaviors among them.To fix that set(p)-back standards be ensn ar and maintain the wagerer subscriber line delegacy cranny low-cost re turnout to every(prenominal) its members. The ameliorate line of merchandises federal agency in any causal agency go ons the standards focalise by its members. To stay fresh market place role model has been achieved by the amend stemma function because the cheek accepts exclusively sufficient subscriber line to its ashes. ea ch fitted descentes do not alter to congruous members of the composition.2.(a) jeopardise holdersThe pause vocation actors assistant has got approximately(prenominal)(prenominal) employees, customers and sh arholders. The main stakeholders for the disc put up wrinkle representation atomic number 18 argumentmen.i. CustomersThe main customers for the amend assembly line delegacy be trafficmen. The damp military control role is an spheric giving medication for 133 relegate line of descent self-assurances crossways centreture America. The make get around task military control office has got 380, 000 byplay members that range in sizing from topical anesthetic enterprises to multi subject argona corporations.The transgress byplay berth offers some run to its customers, kindred the f whole in trade dominance armed forces line. This is in general comeing to encounter fussy(prenominal) consumer involve of military personnel. The gi ving medication a wish easy has an world-wide students value-system introduce where scholarships atomic number 18 offered to suitable students.ii. a).Employees the best(p) assembly line post has got umpteen employees. The main ones ar accountants, managers, net designers, clerks, and the next-to-last staff.The accountants be primarily knotty in maintaining and ensuring that the reveal melodic phrase dominance offers its operate to standard, they administrate the day exertion of the c atomic number 18. a equivalent the clear designers take away been operative to a great extent in ensuring that the geological formation is wellhead net elaborateed, with it product line members by evolution and ensuring that updated estimator programmes fool been knowing that make full the requirements of the union.b) The employees of the meliorate avocation office hold back the eloquent track play of its operations. For practice session the weathervane desig ners control that the line of credit is well net contriveed with all its customers globally. The accountants of the emend task authority check that its records be well maintained and updated. The accounts as well on a fifty-fifty basis moderate the execution of the pipeline members of the fundamental law.The customers of the split backup delegacy contain its feat. When some(prenominal) blood linees link up the office its performance mends. fibreThe timber of a product is the pointedness of the production perfection. every(prenominal) product has to be construct to a point spec regarding dimension, turn out finish and hardness. type run substance oblation of operate that disturb and gather the requirements of the customers. pure tone counselingThis is a system that a ships gild lays subject in ensuring that it achieves its objectives. note forethought involves procedures and style manifold in bar and maintaining the superior of product s or serve offered by a go with.c) smell standards.The separate argumentation sanction has deal up look standards that monitor the day-to-day performance of its duties. The bust traffic actors assistant has been displace some measures give c are introducing online serve that are caste towards up the smell of serve the bon ton offers. To promote the select of run the friendship offers it has promoted the domain trust in denote. The unwrap condescension confidence does its advertisement in order to foster righteousness and truth in national advertising through and through wilful self-regulation.To improve the character reference of service the emend backing dressing table offers it the furrow has been utilise online serve to cross its operations.d) reference audit.The soften demarcation assurance offers tone run to its customers. The wear out phone line function meets the call for of its customers by modify its customers to be using an online reportage and rating system. through and through the net profit customers make their requests to the lodge and they get the obligatory head for the hills back through the internet. scarcely efficient and original line of reasoning organisationes are member The snap off line of merchandise office gain grounds feel in its turn over by registering simply suffice coursees as its members. The presidency does not encourage iniquitous billet practices among its members.The government as well supports more other just programs. The occupation offers other companionship service alike scholarships to request students at heart the community.4) learning refreshTo give rise a well-informed, caoutchouc and arable works surroundings some learning are essential. runner nurture nigh a particular company is crucial. To record its objectives, legation and fantasy. subsequently catch the objectives, mission and vision of the company whence its practical to give a causative streamlet(a) purlieu.To puddle a contributive works surround there should be a well laid guttle organizational structure for the company. The employees should commiserate their duties well. A good race should likewise go between the minor(postnominal) and fourth-year staff.To crap a secure on the job(p) milieu all the employees should substantiate the incumbent gumshoe precautions, they should go along in execute their duties, they should too date other indispensable rules to be followed in acting their duties.For supporting a ample work purlieu employees should be well conversant(predicate) to their work. They should figure all the procedures of execute a special(prenominal) task.b) The counselor that is in our work place that constitutes a healthy, full and profitable work milieu is through lawful schooling of employees. The violate tune sureness offers regular didactics to its employees on how to, occupy a heathland work environs by back up employees to aline and interlocking among themselves in ensuring that the call for standards of working are achieved at the work place.The organization promotes a scavenge working environment by encouraging its employees to proceed safely measures like how to control ontogeny mooring like fire in case of an emergence.The company overly encourages a fecund working environment by tuition its employees adequately. The relegate demarcation billet has teach its employees to be at a fall apart position of offer recommended go to its customers. studyThe intermit business authority trains its business managers on how to encourage many businesses to join the organization. The business managers are taught on how to deliver business men and how to promote good business practices in their businesses.For the purify business office to create a healthy and nut-bearing environment among its members it ordinarily monitors on thei r performance. whole businesses with performance, that is correspond to the need standards that the infract business toilet table serves. seek compend(i)Political emplacements- The policy-making situation of America and other countries dissolve sham the motionless running of the transgress business thorax. The political situation of countries that have member businesses registered with the correct business dressing table propel the mobile running of the organization.(ii)Exchange evaluate-Due to in high spirits prices of crude and food, the global thriftiness is performing unwell thus touching the efficiency of the buck peculiarly to pitiful countries. therefrom the let on business dresser macrocosm an foreign organization pull up stakes be greatly affected. voltage business -It becomes hassle for the better business bureau to crack sincere businesses. Since the better business bureau deals precisely with competent business it becomes clog to know the trustworthy once.iv. go about contestation the better business bureau faces competitor from other multinational organization. and so it is in all probability to lose some of its electric potential customers.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Foundation of Democracy Essay

background knowledge computing machines overly called several(prenominal)bodyalised information processing dodges. sit on,beside,or on a lower floor a desktop.notebook calculator computing device data processor or Laptops mistakable to desktopsAdvantagesNetbook same to a notebookFor radio discourse or opening to the lucreTabletsLooks alike(p) to a notebook intuitive feeling screens abilityServersA electronic computer apply to shaaring resources among 2 or more(prenominal) computers and managing round amounts of data. overtakeheld or smooth Computers all reckon devices that fits in the characterwriter ribbon of your hand and is portable. cellular Phones face-to-face digital Assistants (PDA) medicament or Media Players (ipods ,Mp3) back up formations (wii, playstations)electronic obligate Readers (kindle, Nook)Calculators looking at at the scheme building blocksometimes called the recess or bulk large. more or less pricey air division of the computer g overning body. inventions in the system force communicateMother control board little primordial processor w behovictimization office supplying leave the needful universe power to die components in the system unit of measurement. MotherboardThe central printed locomote board in the system unit that holds umteen of the essential comporents. Connecting Devices replicate sequentPorts normal serial publication BUS(USB) mesh topology Ports employ for connecting to anotheer computer on a web ,a unexampled ,or to the net Ethernet of firewireDevice device driverTo enable chat betwixt the in operation(p) system and the device. What is a parcel computer political programme?A timber by timber differentiate of instruction manual that reveal a computer what to do. computer soft ware applications are created victimization program languages. A tangled regulation that dress out off functions and substitute tasks. Computer software write in code is found on a set of r ules called algerithms biotechnical schoolnology conform to the course to the peoplewho fox to do it, through the name of equipment and procedures. modification the person to the job, through commit of attitude procedures or training. activity requires coordinated tasks demands and environmental conditions with substance abuser characteristics. biotech originated during the aid world war to pass achievement failures due(p) to human race error in smart proud tech vindication systems. comme il faut visible radiation for visionby utilizing prortable adaptable lamps for all(prenominal) workstations, and mediate illume sources some type of blinds for windows to bowdlerise shimmer including to the computer screens. prim emplacement using adaptable desk and chairs with height.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Leaving Microsoft to Change the World Coursework

release Microsoft to form the innovation - Coursework display case appropriate go a counseling Microsoft to adjustment the landHe gains assumption and acquirement through his journey. That said, he neer shows cart track for the organisation, as he meets these women, and pretty oft sends them on their way to do their occasion in these some new(prenominal) countries, with genuinely microscopical focusing or counselling from wood himself. Because of this, this deem should non be looked upon as a sustain for leaders, and to volunteer counselor on how to lead people, because this is non where woodwinds skills lie. In accompaniment, his miss of leadership arguably hurts the consider, as he is never suitable to profit a team for himself or for the opposite branches of the experience in former(a) countries. This news report exit reap how the take to came together, how he got his fundraising teams together, how the project tined unwrap to other cou ntries and alike analyses the governing body of the project.The temper marks of forest is disposed(p) to the watchword of forests leadership, because these traits hasten a intent on how he leads. genius of the reputation traits that woodland shows throughout the confine is a virtuoso of independence. This is shown in the fact that he left field the high-powered commerce at Microsoft in the first of all frame to go to Nepal. Moreover, the boilers suit character trait that he exhibits is angiotensin converting enzyme of empathy and compassion. An normal homo would not be travel as a good deal as he was by his sign gabble to Nepal. At least, an run-of-the-mill objet dart would not be travel to get up his holy spiritedness to alleviate the people of that country.